Tuesday, August 25, 2009

We shall see how it goes... Day 285 24AUG09

Today went rather smoothly even though we got a late start and seemed to have a million things to accomplish. I took Joshua to the clinic for labs this morning. His counts are staying about the same as last week which is really good. While we were waiting for counts we took a walk over to the Hem/Onc Floor of the hospital and said goodbye to one of our favorite nurses. Ms Rochelle will be leaving and moving to New York. The entire family will miss her. She always had a way to get Joshua to laugh and giggle even on his "bad" days!  Good Luck Rochelle!
After clinic we went to Grandma and Grandpa Gandy's for some lunch and to get some things ready for their big celebration this weekend. On Saturday they will celebrate their 50th Anniversary! Lee and I are very proud to have a set of parents that have made it to 50 years of marriage. That is a major accomplishment in this day and age. Christian and Jamie were there as well and informed me that Lee and I will be grandparents quicker than we think. After her doctor's appointment today, they were told to come back tomorrow for one more sonogram. The baby has not changed much and is running out of room in Jamie's tummy. So after the results tomorrow, they will make a decision with her doctor to either induce or have a c-section.  
It was then off to run errands and get the extra school supplies that had been forgotten so we could make Joshua's open house at school. Joshua met both of his teachers and they are very excited to have Joshua in class. Joshua even got to see some of his friends from last year and hang out for a little while. He took it easy this evening and has his bookbag packed and ready for tomorrow totally loaded up with germ-x and masks. For now he will only attend school part time, but it's just enough to make us worry about germs. After meeting with his teachers, I am confident that we will put up a good fight against all of those germs to keep Joshua healthy.
We shall see how it goes...for the rest of the week...for Joshua starting school....for all the germs Joshua will come into contact with.....and definitely for the new grandbaby...we shall see how it goes!
That's the theme for the week!  


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Lots of stuff going on! Sounds like the Gandy Gang is busy as a one armed paper hanger.

I am so excited (and nervous) about your going back to school. I know you will enjoy hanging out again with all your old and new friends.

Baby's on the way --- how thrilling. Can't wait to hear the progress.

And Grandma and Grandpa Gandy celebrating 50 years. You guys sure know how to pack a ton of excitement into a short time span!

What a whirlwind lifestyle.

Hang tough Mighty Warrior - you're having too much fun to do otherwise.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Jamie(Sister) said...

Geez so much stuff to do in so littel time.
She was a fun nurse. =) I know you will miss you Joshy.
Yay school starts tomorrow and i know you are super duper excited!! I am to but really really nervous about those germs!! But hey i know you will do great and fight those bad boys off when they get close to you! Sounds like mommy has lots to get ready for and prepare for lots of germ-x and masks.

Yes must say the baby will most likely not make it to Septemeber 14. =( She is just getting way to big for my little ol belly. But well see how things go. =)
Yay for grandma and grandpa Gandy! 5O years together is a really long time! =) And a great time to celebrate.