Joshua slept in this morning to catch up on his rest a little. He and Jarrod stayed up late last night watching a movie. Jamie and Christian came over right before lunch time and we all had a great day hanging out and playing. Josh was having way to much fun sword fighting with his new Wii Resort game.
He really gets into playing! Love his moves!
Jamie looks like she is about to explode! She still has 30 days to go but I just can not see how she can stretch anymore. The baby is very active and everything is going great. Christian and Jamie have been busy setting up and preparing for the upcoming arrival. It was great to have the kids over and I know Joshua loves having them around.

Joshua is continuing to do okay, he gave us a little scare today when he came in to the kitchen and announced that he had just gone to the bathroom and his pee was orange. After a quick questioning and a sample an hour later we determined he was just a little dehydrated. These little bumps in the road feel like so much more. It is like a monster hiding in your closet, you have the door bolted and you almost forget he is there until he bumps the door really hard and scares the daylights out of you. You just never know about monsters...
Man Joshua wack the heck out of those other wii guys dude!!!! =) Good thing you have that controler fastened to your wrist! Youre kicking some serious butt! ;)
Christian and bella had lots of fun playing with you and dad in street tennis today! And i had fun watching and laughing at how close you came to taking dad out. =) Bella got home and went right to sleep. =)
Jarrod you did an awesome job on putting the puzzle ball together for Joshua! That thing is pretty cool. Oh and thank you for putting together her Boppy bouncer Grandma Linda got her. =) You are one fast builder bud. Yes i know it wasnt that hard..... ;) Well i love you tons and see you soon!! =)
Your neice cant wait to meet her wonderful uncles that are already spoiling her. =)
Thank you so so much for the swaddle me and the boppy bouncer!!! I love them and i know your little great grandbaby will to. =) Thank you again.
Love you tons
Jamie and Christian
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
What a fantastic sword fighter you are. And you have the coolest moves! I was fascinated watching you. I am so happy you are feeling so full of energy. But hey, guy, start drinking more water please. We need to keep all the monsters locked in a closet somewhere.
Have a great day Mighty Warrior.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Sweet Jamie,
You are oh, so welcome.
I love seeing pictures of your expanding nursery facility! Just don't know how you can expand anymore without exploding.
Hope the next month is easy on you.
Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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