Joshua got his dream delivered today. Kristin his Dream co-ordinator from the
Children's Dream Fund came by at 11 to give Joshua all the details about his dream trip to Lego Land in California. The trip she put together is nothing short of amazing. She has taken care of every detail and Joshua was very excited. He can't wait until he gets to go, we are all counting the days until we leave. I am sure it will be an experience that he will never forget.
The rest of the day was a huge celebration of family. Jamie, Christian, Allie, and Bella were here. My mom is here. Renee's mom and dad were over. My brother Eric and his wife Alyssa and son Dylan are here for a few days. It was definitely a gathering! This is the first time we have seen Dylan in person and he is a charmer. We all had a great dinner and sat around catching up on life.

Bisnonna got to hold her great grand daughter for the first time today! How cool is that.

Joshua went to the clinic this morning before all the fun started and his counts have stayed good. His ANC is 1272 which is an reasonable number. Hopefully he is leveling out and will stay relatively constant from now on. Only time will tell. For now he is feeling great and has lots of energy and we love it.
What a beautiful family moment. We are so hapy you are all together to share some family time and play with those babies! Enjoy!
Love, Laura and Frank
Wow what a reunion!. So now it's your fault that I went and made Oatmeal Scotchies. Just need to figure out how to get them off the cookie sheet without falling apart!
LEGO LAND!! Thats exciting Joshua! We arrived just in time to all of the goodies you guys got and to hear about all of the cool fun things that you are going to get to do!!! I am so jealous... ;) I am also so so happy that you guys get to go and have the time of your lives! =)
Nonna loves her great grand daughter soo soo much! =) I loved seeing her and this time on a good note. ;) Allie loves her Nonna loving on her and just spoiling her. We had tons of fun and glad to meet little Dylan for the first time! It feels like just yesterday daddy was showing us pictures of him when he was born.=) Time fly way to fast. =(
Ps We love you Nonna,Uncle Eric,Alyssa,and Dylan! Cant wait to see you again soon. Lots of love hugs and kisses =)
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