Jarrod was busy today designing and building micro-scale LEGO skyscrapers. He came up with some nice designs.

I believe I may have, according to several people I talked to today, confused you with the picture of the miniland figures of Josh and Jarrod that I posted yesterday. The mini-figures they built are still living in Miniland USA in California, look for them when you visit. Gary, the Master Builder, made a duplicate set for the boy's to take home with them.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Sorry to hear about the meltdowns! It can't be fun to be trapped in a steroid inferno. This is definitely the kind of time when it's great to be 'just a Nonna'.
Fabulous Lego creations! Tell Jarrod I love his mini skyscrapers and hope there is a fulfilling career in there somewhere.
Hang tough Mighty Warrior - these days will pass and you will go back to kickin cancer butt instead of everybody and everything around you.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Joshua, I just mailed copies of South Shore News to your Mom - What a nice article here is the link for the online version
Good looking family! Love, Laura and Frank
Man Joshy I hope that your meltdowns become less frequent!! No more slamming doors I hope.
I love the legos you and Jarrod built!! You two do an awesome job at those!!! You both have a real love for legos I see :) Wow that must have taken you a long time to put together but it looks awesome!!! :)
Jarrod you did a great job also buddy!! Look you are already getting into building buildings. :) !!
You and Joshua are going to have, well already have soo many talents that are going to take you two so far on life!! :) I love seeing talks Lego creations, they are true master pieces .
We will see you guys on Halloween!!! Love you
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