After lunch we all headed over to the pool for a little swimming and sliding action. The boys played and played and if they are half as tired as I am it is a miracle that they kept going. As it turned out they went off to bed rather early tonight after I left for work. Renee said Josh had a major meltdown over some simple argument with his brother. Hope that it is not signaling the fact that he is getting sick or his counts are going down. It usually does.
Joshua, Keep up the good school work - you have an awesome teacher in your Mom. I'm so glad you have all your cousins and your niece Allie there to play with - I know your Nonna has to be feeling very blessed right now. Grandma's need that grandchild "fix" once in a while. It helps keep us going.
I am thrilled that you got your Lego Land dream delivered yesterday and hope you get some time to rest before you go. Eat some sushi and have some crab legs and chocolate milk and enjoy yourself. Love, Laura and Frank
Whoo hoo pool time!!! I wish we could have come. =) Thats where youre getting you tan from i see. All of that pool time you have been getting in lately ;) I see you and daddy goofing around. =) Happy to hear you guys had another fun filled day lov bug!
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