We made it through a holiday and we are still at home with Joshua feeling just fine!
The kids had a fun day preparing for Halloween. They tried out different costume ideas until they each decided on something. Joshua became a GI Joe white ninja and Jarrod became Dr. Death. They both donned their costumes and we headed over to Jim and Sally's to join them and Cameron and Jayden for trick or treating. The kids had a blast and managed to amass a pretty good sized pile of treats before the evening was through. We also got to enjoy Jamie and Christian's company along with their friend Andrea and take Miss Allie out for her first Halloween. She is just too cute and has recovered nicely from her bought with thrush. She was back to her normal princess self.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Oh my, gracious goodness ----- you are on a record setting trend here. You make it to LegoLand and now you are at home for a holiday!!!!!!! Whooooooooppppeeeeeeeeee. Keep it up Mighty Warrior.
Loved the costumes guys and glad you had fun. Little Princess Allie is absolutely adorable. I could eat her up with a spoon.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
WE HAD A BLAST!! =) Allies Halloween was filled with tons of fun!!! She was a PEA IN A POD. She only got to wear it for a few minutes because she was getting to hot, but she still was a cutie. =) I loved your costumes! We really had lots of fun with you, Jarrod, Camron and Jayden. =) I cant wait til next year when Allie is walking and then she can go trick or treating with you guys!!!! Well i hope everyone had a good nights sleep and are fully energized tomorrow. Love you
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