Not long after she left Chrsitian, Jamie, Allie, and of course Bella came over to spend the afternoon with us. Allie is doing great and Jamie looks wonderful. Christian and Bella still look pretty much the same as always. Allie is of course our cutest grand child and is a welcome addition to our family. Renee and I are really starting to enjoy the whole grand parenting thing. It is a lot of fun and did I mention it involves having cookies on hand at all times. Yeah!
Joshua surprised us all by riding Jarrod's bike up and down the street. It is so much bigger than his bike but he rode it like a champ. That child has no fear.
At five we all packed into the car to head out for dinner at the Children's Cancer Center. The kids had a lot of fun eating cupcakes (after dinner of course) and learning how to master, or at least attempt to master, the time honored tradition of the Hula-hoop which has been around since 1957 (just a quick shout out to all you trivia nerds ;). It was a fun evening for all. Tomorrow will be a long day for Josh but I am sure he will rip through it with his usual tenacity.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Way to go on Jarrod's bike! When's Dad going to buy you the Harley? Looks like you're ready for it (but don't tell him I suggested it).
Allie is just too cute for words. Looks like the Gandy genes scored a direct and beautiful hit! I can't wait to hold her and kiss her and squeeze those cheeks.
Hope the transfusion goes without a hitch.
Hang tough Mighty Warrior - you are The Champion - at everything!
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
ps today's word verification is a hoot. usually it is a non-word. today it is DEWORM. Are they telling us something?
We had fun and Allie loved being held by her grandma and granpa. =) She does have some kissable cheeks. =)
Josh thats awesome that you can ride Jarrods bike, although it swallows you ;) You did pretty good.
Looks like you had lots of fun at the dinner.!! Thats great monkey butt.
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