Sunday, May 2, 2010

Cannon balls.… Day 534 02MAY10

Joshua got a chance to sleep in a little this morning. Renee and Jarrod left for church early and I stayed very quiet around the house so Joshua could get a little extra sleep in. He has been going at it pretty hard the last week or so and I know he needs the extra rest. Later on after lunch we attended Carly's birthday party. She is one of Joshua's oldest and best friends and they are always glad to see each other. The party was a lot of fun with lots of food and the kids having fun in the pool. Joshua had a cannon ball contest with one of the other boys and after several jumps Carly ultimately declared him the winner.

The boys were pretty tuckered out when we got back so they took it easy of the rest of the evening. My dad came out to have dinner with us and spend some time with the boys. He is doing pretty good all things considered and it was nice to have him at the house. He even brought us a great home made key lime pie! We are going to go over to his house tomorrow for lunch after clinic.


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Cannonball Champion!!!! Whooohoooo. Great jumps Mighty Warrior. Looks like you had a great time and that makes me happy.

Hope clinic is easy today. And enjoy having lunch with Grandpa Gandy.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


ps did you save me a piece of Grandpa Gandy's key lime pie?

Jamie(Sister) said...

Look how big your splash was Joshy! Thats awesome!! I am glad you and Jarrod got some more pool time in. =) Happy Birthday Carly.
Extra rest is always needed. =) Love you and see you soon love bug. Cant wait to see you on your new bike. =) Thats great Grandpa Gandy came over for dinner. =)