After a little rest Renee and the kids headed off to the Zach Tucker Golf Tournament an annual event that benefits Giving Hope Through Faith. A wonderful organization who helps out families with cancer. They helped us tremendously and we are honored to be able to continue to help support their efforts. Joshua and Jarrod had a great time and Joshua got to drive a golf cart around for a bit. He loves driving!
Tomorrow will be a busy day filled with lots of activities and lots of road miles. We have three different events to attend: A first communion; a birthday party; and a fund raising dinner. Should be exciting.
I bet you never thought that Cancer would bring so much fun and excitement into your lives.Wow! you guys are always on the go. Glad that you are able to do so.Like it is said..Learn to look forward instead of backward, and thank God for the opportunities and experiences he is opening up for you. God often directs our paths even when we aren't aware of it; we only realize it later.
Renee, hope you will have a great Mothers day. Will be thinking of you.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Did you whiz all over the place driving the golf cart? They're fun and can go kinda fast.
I may have to take a nap later today after reading all you are going to be involved in. Sounds like bunches of fun.
I hope you had fun with Miss Allie. I hope Jamie enjoyed her celebration last night and that she can get out of bed this morning.
Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. you are my Champion
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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