Friday, May 14, 2010

Children of our future.… Day 545 13MAY10

Joshua and I got up way too early this morning. It was well worth it! We, or should I say Joshua, had another engagement for LLS Pasta for Pennies Program. We were asked to go to Randall Middle School for a breakfast and presentation. Randall Middle School students are amazing. This year they raised over $6000 for LLS. What an awesome job! Joshua also received a special surprise. Two actually! First, he was given cards from every student at Randall. We brought home two huge boxes!!!! Joshua’s second surprise was from a student named Reece who heard Joshua liked the Lightning. He gave Joshua his old Lightning Jersey that had been signed by many of the Hockey Players. He also had some pucks that were signed by the first owners of the Lightning. Joshua was totally thrilled.
These are the children of our future. These children that show amazing compassion and caring for a child who has cancer. These children that are willing to part with their money and their possessions to make an eight year old happy.  Thank you to all the students at Randall and to their parents as well. What an great job you are doing raising your children!


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

We are totally in good hands with the children of our future. They are being brought up in the best way possible - knowing how to love and give of themselves and their treasures. Yeah for our future!

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Jamie(Sister) said...

That is sooo cool!!! Wow Josh you are becoming quite the celebrity!! I can see you enjoy doing these thugs love bug! You are going to do so many great things love bug!
Keep it up you're doing great.:-) love you