Joshua headed off to clinic early this morning for his weekly labs. His ANC came back at 1003 which is a pretty big drop from steroids week last time. While he was at the clinic Renee found out that Wojtek had been admitted on Sunday with a staff infection. We have been there before and it means a mandatory 10-14 day stay with lots of meds. We are all hoping that he feels better and being stuck doesn't drive them too crazy. We will make sure and visit a bunch. After they got home Renee heard from Tiffany and Preston is running a low grade fever. Looks like their Wednesday play date may be at the hospital :(
Most of the afternoon was school work for Joshua and Jarrod. Joshua had a play date with his good friend Hayden after he got out of school . He had a great time and was really glad he finally got a chance to hang out with Hayden. The rest of the evening was going along like normal until I got a call to go help Jim work on the engine in his boat so the boys and I loaded up some tools and headed over for a bit.
Joshua must have been pretty tired because he was asleep before his head hit the pillow. Hopefully everyone will stay well and out of the hospital.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
The news isn't sounding so great today. I sure hope you aren't in line for a stay away from home. Bummer news about Wojtek and Preston.
Stay strong and keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
I hope that you dont get anything love bug. =) Lets keep our fingers crossed and try to get your counts highg again. =)
I hope that Wojeck gets better soon. I hope that everyone else that is sick feels better too.
Sounds like you had a fun day with Grandpa Gnady. Love you and keep up the good work love bug.
Ps hope to see you guys soon its been awhile
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