Monday, May 10, 2010

Clinic, chemo, and a tux.… Day 542 10MAY10

Joshua started off the day with a trip to the clinic. Matter of fact we all started our day that way. His counts were steady at 1350 and everything else looks good. He got his finger stuck for labs, a pentamadine treatment, and his port accessed for vincristine. That was all before lunch… We left the clinic and made a quick stop for a little food, did I mention that he also started another round of steroids this morning, before heading to Brandon to get him fitted for a tux. The tux is for him to wear to the final Man and Woman of the Year Gala in a few weeks.

He is such a ham…

After his fitting we stopped at a few sporting goods places to pick up a new set of Crocs for Joshua and look for some street hockey gear. It would be easier to find lost treasure than a hockey stick in Florida. We finally found a few reasonable sticks and picked up a few balls/pucks.

When we got home it was all about school work. Jarrod had plenty and so did Joshua including studying for his spelling test coming up tomorrow. He did really well and nailed his entire list on the first try. I was mightily impressed at that. Hope it sticks for in the morning. After all the school work was finished we all headed out into the street to get a little hockey time in. The boys had a blast and it is really good exercise for all of us. I may, unfortunately, be unable to walk in the mooring due to extreme soreness :) But it was worth it to spend some fun time with the family.


Laura and Frank said...

Wow, Joshua, love the tux and the crocs! I am sure you will wow them all at the main event. Looking for hockey items in S Tampa - check Play it Again Sports at Britton. That's where I used to pick up Jimmy's stuff.

So glad everyone is well and the steroids are back for a while.
Love, Laura and Frank

Jamie(Sister) said...

Awesome counts Joshua!! Thats great bug! Keep up the great work!.
Wow you are one handsome 8 year old Joshy. ;) OH my goodness we are going to have trouble with you and the girls i can see it all ready.;)
Hockey time.. I dont even have to ask if you kicked dads butt. ;) You seem do kick everyones butt at everything. ;)
I am glad to hear you found some new crocks bug.
Love you see you see soon


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Great news on the counts. And I love the new outfit. I can't wait to see you all decked out for the big event.

Uncle Eric, Aunt Alyssa and Dylan are here for a few days and I am definitely in "Nonna Heaven".

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
