Thursday, September 2, 2010

Busy day take 2… Day 658 02SEP10

Joshua had another busy activity filled day. He started off with a play date over at Wojtek's house this morning. They still had left over fun to get out of their systems from yesterday. Next stop was USF for some neurological testing that he has been getting to help us assess the effects that the chemo have had on him so far. We should have results in a week or so which will help us plan his school and other learning activities. The bright spot of our day came next when Renee receved a call from the clinic with Joshua's lab results.

All clear!

With a sigh we put those fears to bed and immediately wonder what else could be affecting his counts lately. It never ends…

Lastly we had dinner at the Children's Cancer Center with our cancer family. It was, as always, a fun evening with good friends.


Laura and Frank said...

Great news about the bone marrow test! That is awesome news! Chemo brain sucks and I have no idea how it affects kids who have to be on it for so long. I just remember the fog. I'd write something down so I wouldn't forget it and then couldn't figure out why it was important. I'm positive the neurologists will have some good answers for you. Love, Laura & Frank

Scarlett said...

Praise God for good test results!!! Praying now that you get useful information from the neuro testing.

Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Great news all around. Just wish the roller coaster ride wasn't so darn long.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
