Today marks an amazing milestone in our cancer journey. As of this afternoon we have officially passed the one million dollar mark for Joshua's treatment so far. That's right $1,000,000. That works out to $1506 per day for the last 680 days. Flabbergasting isn't it.
Today was a crazy hectic fun filled day with tons of family and noise in our house. My dad showed up right before lunch time to visit for a while. He brought us a bunch of lovely produce to eat as well. Soon thereafter Christian showed up with Brandon who is in town for the weekend. It was a real treat to be able to spend some time with both of my older boys at the same time. We miss Brandon a lot and always look forward to his visiting. Jamie and Allie showed up next but Allie was covered with little red spots and we were all pretty sure it was chicken pox. So Jamie scooted her off home without even coming in the house. Thankfully it looks like it was an allergic reaction to some sunscreen that she had rubbed on a bit earlier in the day. She and Christian will keep an eye on her for the next few days just to be certain.
Renee left right after that to head over to her brother's house to celebrate his 40th. We were all supposed to go and the kids were going to be watched by our older ones but with Jamie having to leave and all I volunteered to stay at home. Cameron and Jayden showed up a bit later to spend the evening whilst Jim and Sally attended the festivities. So I had a wonderful evening hanging out with all the kids. They were loads of fun and all behaved very well. We played some games, ate a bite, watched a little TV, etc…
Renee had a good time and came back smiling and rather tired. Jim and Sally arrived a little later and it didn't take much coercion to get the kids headed towards their respective beds for a good nights rest. So tomorrow, I imagine, we will rest a bit and try and catch up on the things we put off today.
1 comment:
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
One million smackeroonies - you're worth every single one and a bazillion times more.
So happy to hear the day was filled with family and fun. Just hope Jamie throws out that sunscreen if it causes the Little Princess discomfort.
Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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