Friday, September 17, 2010

IVIG again… Day 673 17SEP10

Today was another IVIG infusion for Joshua. He got started this morning right after he woke up and finished early afternoon after school. He also got a visit from his teacher and got some school work done. Once again he did great with the IVIG and had no ill effects from the transfusion.  He actually had a pretty good afternoon playing a game on the xbox and resting.

Jarrod left this morning with me and I dropped him off for a day at my dad's. They got his gutters cleaned out and did a bunch of yard work before taking a dip in the pool next door. I picked him up after work and we headed home for movie night courtesy of Joshua. He had picked out a movie at the video store for us to watch together. So we all cuddled up on the couch, well except for Jarrod who is now to "big" to cuddle, and ended the week with a fun flick. We have several fun things on tap for this weekend, details to follow.


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Good news that the IVIG went well.

An exciting weekend coming up sounds great. Hope it is exceptionally fun for all of you.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Good news that the IVIG went well.

An exciting weekend coming up sounds great. Hope it is exceptionally fun for all of you.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
