Sunday, September 5, 2010

Restful day… Day 661 05SEP10

Today was a restful day for all of us. I think the stress of the last week finally subdued us all and we really didn't do much of anything today. The boys played quietly most of the day while Renee and I puttered about doing the odd chore. Joshua seems to be much improved today, maybe he was just tired and feeling a bit under yesterday. I made pork chops for dinner and he devoured one, half of another, and then asked if there were any more. I love it when he gets hungry for a change. Feeding a child with cancer is a struggle every single day, especially trying to get anything resembling a balanced diet in them. I am always happy when he eats and enjoys his food, it makes cooking even more enjoyable:) Tomorrow is, of course, a holiday so we will not be doing our normal clinic run and will have to wait till Tuesday to get a feel for how his counts are fairing.


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Your Dad makes the best pork chops ever. So glad to hear your appetite appreciated them.

I hope all of you have a very restful and beautiful day.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Laura and Frank said...

So glad you all got some rest and Joshua's appetite came back for a visit. It's another great day to take it easy!
Love, Laura and Frank