Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Perogies make a comeback… Day 670 14SEP10

With the question of Joshua's counts answered for the week today was a back to a normal routine kind of day. Joshua and Jarrod both worked on school work this morning until Ania and Wojtek arrived for a play date at which point the school work quickly got left behind. While the kids played Renee and Ania took over the kitchen and made up a huge batch of perogies from scratch. They turned out marvelous and boy do they taste good. We all had a few for dinner and I imagine Ania did to. It was a nice afternoon of children playing and adults hanging out enjoying each others company. 

After they left the boys jumped back on the school stuff and got done in time to head out to play for a good while this evening. We even managed to get a bit of hockey playing in as the temperature was down to a place where we could survive outside for a while. I hope that the drop in the temps signals the coming of autumn and that we are finally heading out of the doldrums of summer. I guess we will get the answer in the next few weeks. In the meantime we will take advantage of days like this one and enjoy being outside for a bit.

As promised here are a few pictures of the neat piece of kit that Jarrod and I built yesterday to power some LED strips. He hung the strips up in his room later in the day and they look pretty impressive with the lights out.


Laura and Frank said...

Glad you got in some play time today along with the school work! I love the LEDs and with the Altoids control box that is amazing! Love, Laura and Frank

Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Glad to hear the counts are up - just hope they stay there. It's wonderful that you are finally getting some cooler temperatures that allow you some outside time. Enjoy!

Jarrod, the LEDs are wonderful. You are so talented.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
