We have great news! Christian and Jamie announced last night that they are pregnant! Renee and I are going to be Grandparents (are we really that old?), Joshua and Jarrod will become uncles, my brother gets to be a Great-Uncle, and our parents will get their first Great-Grandchild! Thats a lot of greats... We are very happy for them! We are already stocking up on mountain dew and M&M's for when we get to babysit ;)
DAY 55 JOSHY!!! YOU ARE GOING TO BE AND UNCLE LOVE BUG! =) i am soo happy you are feeling better today and look at all over your bravery beads!! yay thats great monkey! i am soo proud of you . =) you are doing such a great job at staying strong and keeping your head up high. =) i love you soon to be uncles! =) We will be sure to see you guys this weekend okie dokie smokie. =) bella says hi and she misses every one. i get to go to the doctor tomorrow and i will be sure to share the news with everyone. =) thats good you and jarrod did good with school today =)
XOXO LOVE JAMIE BELLA AND CHRISTIAN AND THE little baby(s)in my tummy. =)
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Pretty soon you're going to have enough bravery beads to reach all the way to Virginia!!! Keep up the great work - you are one tough little snuggle monkey.
You and Jarrod are going to be Uncles!!! How wonderful and exciting. Soon you'l be babysitting and teaching the newest little Gandy monkey how to hang from the ceiling and jump from the roof tops. What fun.
Hope your days get better and better.
Love, hugs and kisses
Gramma Linda
Oh my goodness! I can't believe that you are going to be an uncle! How lucky are you?!?!!?! I think that is awesome! Look at all those beads. It looks like your Mommy knew what she was doing when she named you Josh!
We love and miss you terribly!
Jen Billy Larry Robert Emily
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