I love it when Josh treats me like the paparazzi. I have to throw the camera up and snap a shot quickly before he hides his face. Sometimes I am not so quick.
Josh got to turn in his transfer ticket this afternoon and move to the Hem/Onc floor he knows only too well. As fate would have it we are back in the same room where we started our journey some seventy odd days ago. Weird how that happens.
Joshua's ANC is slipping, we were at 119 on Monday, 160 last night and 95 this morning. Hope to see it swinging up tomorrow. We are of course now on DEFCON 5 germ alert, better sanitize and put on a mask before you come into the room or Josh will yell at you. His fever has all but gone away, his temperature is just percolating a little bit high.
The reason for us becoming Grandparents at our tender age stopped by to visit for a little while. Jamie is doing great so far:)
My new nephew Dylan has discovered that while they are not actually edible, fingers do in fact taste wonderful. I am happy to report that he is home and enjoying depriving his mom and dad of as much sleep as he can. Boy I don't miss those days;)

(Is this kid cute or what !?! Not that I am biased in any way...)

If his counts stay up and no fever returns we hope to have him back home by Friday. I would say that it is pretty much a foregone conclusion that we will not be able to go to camp this weekend.
DAY 70 LOVE BUG!! AWW you and mom and camera shy. lol just kidding. Mom didnt have any make-up on and you are just a goofy butt. =) You have to eat more joshua!! or else the tube is coming!!! If you want to get better and fight this you have to eat and stay healthy with food in your tummy monkey butt! if you dont eat and have food in your tummy its harder for your body to fight this off. Keep your head up and STAY SMILING MR!!!!! I LOVE YOU VERY VERY MUCH and i also thank you for trusting me and being ok with helping you go pody and teaching me what to do with the whole writing it down and stuff on the paper. =) We will see you son just make sure you are eating and smiling!!!! We love the member of the family he is the cutest little thing, =) We love you guys very much and stay strong and your spirits high!!!! =)
XOXO LOVE JAMIE BELLA AND CHRISTIAN( and the little one in my tummy)..... soon to be uncles. =)
FYI. .... Joshua did eat more after dad and Jarrod left. The doctor says not to worry he is doing fine. This is a very common stage some if the kids go thru. Joshua decided at 10 pm that it was time to do 3 laps around the floor and then stop for chocolate pudding. He has now finally gone to sleep. Hugs & kisses to everyone
Day 70 and you oughta be a hungry fella! I will gladly bring you the food of your dreams, anything to keep you from getting the tube. That's a royal pain and what's the fun of being fed if you can't taste it? What do you need to be bribed with little one to get you eating so the blood counts will go up? Fame, fortune, movies, games, toys? We all love you so much and want to see you eating more than a bite of pizza. I know what it's like to have to make yourself eat - trust me. When I had cancer I really didn't want to eat and the smell of food make me ill (I even made Frank cook his food outside). And I'm no skinny minnie, sweetie. I'm one of the BIGGEST chunky (a nice way to say I'm fat) people. Is it M&M's; string cheese; dill pickles...? Let me know and I will try and make it possible.
Jarrod I am so proud of you doing your school work with Mom in the hospital. You are so smart and we want you to continue to be the best bigger brother! Thank goodness you have Jamie to joke with you and think about her tummy getting bigger with a baby (think girl, girl, girl)
Renee and Lee, even though you are going to be extremely young grandparents, take it from someone who knows personally, it's the bomb! We think your new nephew is a pretty handsome fella!
I love all of you and want you to continue to stay strong and keep on fighting. Renee, you and Lee just overwhelm me with your tenacity and spirit. That 60 miler you and Alecia did was evidently preparing you for this fight. You all walking for all of us was a stepping stone. Keep on fighting.
Love, Laura
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Glad to be back in your 'old familiar room'? I guess it's better than a strange room and strange people.
Renee, thank you for that little food update. It's traumatic to think there isn't enough food going in Joshua's body to keep him alive. You are closing in on "idol status" in my book. Wish I could be there to offer more support.
Okay Snuggle Monkey - stay as strong as you can and fight as hard as you can. And PLEASE let your Dad take pictures. I love seeing your smiling face.
Jarrod, I am so happy to see your smiles. Thank you for being a bit of a 'ham' for the camera. I love it.
I hope the weekend sees all of you at camp.
Love, hugs and kisses
Gramma Linda
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