Well camp didn't happen. Joshua's ANC only inched up six points to 138 today and he is still having trouble eating enough food. Doctor O is going to try a couple of thing to help stimulate his appetite and hopefully get him eating real soon. If none of it works he will wind up with a feeding tube. I really hope for his sake that is not what we have to resort to. He was really bummed about not being able to go to camp but there will be other times. We are going to have to stay in the hospital until his counts get to 500 and the Doctors are sure he is getting enough nutritious food. The longer his counts stay low the longer we wait until he can start chemo. It feels really weird to be hoping for our child to have more chemo but the delay just feels worse.
The weather was nice enough today for Josh to get an hour pass to leave the floor and go take a walk around the hospital and even outside for a bit. He said he really liked getting to go out with mom.
Renee got to take the evening off and come home for the night, her mom is staying with Joshua. This is great because tomorrow is our twelfth wedding anniversary! I am glad that we will at least get to spend part of the day together. It is really hard on all of us being apart for these extended periods of time. She had a really rough time with Josh today. He was in a bad mood and taking it out on everyone that was close by. I am really thankful that she can be at home for a little while.
Jarrod got to come to work with me today and sit in on one of my classes. According to him I am a pretty good teacher although he could not remember anything I talked about. Sounds like one of my regular students:) It was really cool to have him there with me and I hope we get to do it again real soon.
DAY 72. =( AWWW im sorry monkey that you had such a bad day and that you guys didnt get to go to camp. I hope the doctor can find a way for you to eat more and doesnt have to get the feeing tube out. I love you and just keep that wonderful smile on your face ok. You got to go outside for a little bit today yay i know you and mom liked that, to get out of that boring old room. =) Tomorrow is mom and dads 12th anniversary!!!!! I hope you guys have a good one and get to spend some time together. =) how was school with dad jarrod i bet you liked it =) what all did you get to do buddy. we are coming over tomorrow to the house and then the hospital after... okie dokie smokies. oh and yess we will for sure bring the nerf guns=) Hope you feel better joshy and have a better day tomorrow! Love you
XOXO LOVE JAMIE BELLA AND CHRISTIAN(and the little one in my tummy. =) ps I didnt feel that bad when i woke up today, it was an ok day for me to.; )
ok well no house i just found out just the hospital. =) lol
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
I am disappointed for you that you could't go to camp. Actually, I am disappointed for the whole family. I know there will be other opportunities but it just bites like a really big angry dog to miss this weekend.
I hope the doctors are able to come up with something (other than Prednisone) to get your appetite up and you shoveling food in your mouth. I know you are trying - you just need a little help.
Your Grandma Mary Ann is an Angel to spend the night with you and give Mom a break. She is a really neat lady and I bet you guys will have fun together. Give her a hug and kiss for me please.
And while we're at it - give your Mom and Dad a huge smile, hug and kiss on their anniversary for me - you can give them one from yourself as well. I hope they have another 75 years together! And that would make you 81 which is probably a bit old to be out kickin up your heels but I bet you could manage.
Hang in there snuggle monkey. You are doing such an awesome job kickin old cancer butt.
Love, hugs and kisses
Gramma Linda
Well Josh - that sucks that you have to miss camp - but i remember your mom said there was a little girl that missed it the first time she was to go and once she got a little better she was able to go - so don't give up hope. I know the whole family was excited about it. Jarrod I'm glad you got to see what your Dad does at work and am sure you were the best looking guy in the classroom, not to mention probably one of the best cooks. (when you go to college you'll have to start a mini-restaurant and charge the same prices for a home cooked meal, since you're so good in the kitchen).
Renee and Lee, Happy Anniversary! I and so glad that Mary Ann the wonder woman was able to stay with Josh. I hope you had a very nice evening and get to do something really special - like sleep in the same bed together. You are such an inspiration to parents who are dealing with the same difficulties and I know your faith in God has helped through some really tough times. I love you all and miss you! Take care of each other.
Love, Miss Laura & Frank
I know it is hard to miss camp, I missed out on camp not once but TWICE..it was a drag, but you are right there will be other times because later on I got to turn my livingroom into a HUGE Tent and it was great we used the fireplace and spent the night outdoors inside..
Keep up the good thoughts and try to keep eating...best wishes...
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