Mom took this really cool picture;)

His red blood count was a little low today so he got a transfusion at the hospital before he came home. Josh is basically off until Monday when he needs to have pulled his white count up a bit so we can continue with treatment. If his counts qualify Josh will stay at the hospital overnight on Monday and then finish his chemo at home like last time.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Having a bit of exhibitionist fun are we?? Great shot Mom - it's a 'keeper'.
Your "face" is truly awesome and I hope you come up with a really cool was to display it. Maybe you could suspend it from the ceiling so it can watch over you (as long as you don't wake up in the middle of the night and freak when you see it).
Glad you're getting a bit of a rest and I hope your white count comes up all on its own.
Love, hugs and kisses
Gramma Linda
yay!!!!! OH YEA!! DAY 63! AND YOU LOOK AWESOME MONKEY!!! The mask looks sooo cool!!!! and i love the bath picture mom took of you =) i am glad you off til monday gives you, mom and dad and break for a few days!! =) Keep up the great work monkey butt!! you got through the radiation and you are continuing to fight and beat this love bug!!!! =) We will see you soon.
XOXO LOVE JAMIE BELLA AND CHRISTIAN( and the little one in my tummy. =)
What cool pics! I think the mask could turn into a halloween costume at sometime. Or part of the decorations outside with the smoke machine - that would be a cool idea. Josh, you look so wonderful and I am so happy that the radiation is done! Now you guys can have a few days off to rest and regain your strength to continue to kick cancer butt:)
Maybe next week Frank and I can come and see you. He has a surprise for you and Jarrod, and I need some little boy hugs.
Love, Miss Laura
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