Joshua managed to get his ANC up to 181 today, to bad yesterday it was 180. We still have a ways to go. Doctor O is going to give him Megace, an appetite stimulant, in hopes we can get him eating enough to get his counts elevated. I would be happy if he would make a surge in his ANC so we could have some hope that he was going to rise back up.

Josh got a day pass for good behaviour and got to visit home for a while! It was nice to see him playing and doing homework, etc... The house and all its sundry inhabitants miss the sound of his feet and the tinkle of his laugh. A house is, after all, nothing more than a container for its inhabitants and their trappings without love and the resonance of life. His appetite was pretty good here at home and he ate everything I cooked for him. The kitchen is always open for hungry little boys and the menu will magically change depending on what they want. He will probably get another day pass for tomorrow so he can come home to work with Ms. Lydia on school work and get a little rest.
In other news, we were honored today with a visit from Mr. Fu master of all that is mystical and unpronounceable. Although his visage was a little frightening he in fact turned out to be a fascinating and rather hungry guest.

Josh, woo hoo 75 days! That's awesome. I love Mr Fu and we are glad you got to have a day pass. I'm thinking good thoughts for the new Meds to make you a hungry boy and want to eat everything in the house.
Have a great day on Tuesday and we'll all think good thoughts.
Love, miss Laura & Frank
Hey Snuggle monkey,
Whopeeeeeeeee - a day pass **** and Mr. Fu came to visit!!! Are you lucky or what? I am so happy your house was once again filled with the patter of your feet and the tinkle of your laughter (not to mention your beautiful aura). Chef Dad is some kind of great cook.
Keep eating so you can get those counts where they need to be so you can keep kickin butt!!!!!
L love you.
Gramma Linda
Snuggle Monkey,
Uncle Eric and Aunt Alyssa want Dylan to call me Nonna (which is, I think, Italian for Grandmother). I signed up as Nonna on Dylan's blog spot and the silly system changed it on yours. Of course, the photo that shows on Dylan's blog spot is the one of you and me in your living room! I didn't know I was going to have to develop a 'split' personality to have so many beautiful and precious grandchildren. Wonder what will happen when Jamie delivers and I am a Great Grandmother? Will I then have to divide again? What a wonderful and blessed dilemna. Actually, I don't care what I am called ---- as long as I am called.
Tons of love, hugs and kisses
Nonna Gramma Linda
Hey Snuggle monkey,
Whopeeeeeeeee - a day pass **** and Mr. Fu came to visit!!! Are you lucky or what? I am so happy your house was once again filled with the patter of your feet and the tinkle of your laughter (not to mention your beautiful aura). Chef Dad is some kind of great cook.
Keep eating so you can get those counts where they need to be so you can keep kickin butt!!!!!
L love you.
Gramma Linda
Joshua says Nonna sounds good!
Hey monkey!!!!! DAY 57!! You are home yay!!! Sorry so late on writing you love bug went to bed really early last night and woke up really late today. =) SOO Mr. Fu master hu??? Did you show dad some good moves? =) Wow looks at that big huge smile! I love it and now you have that missing tooth to show off. Did the tooth fairy come? I love you and looks like you had an awesome day at home monkey. Day pass for good behavior hu....... thats great!! We finally found a doctor that takes our insurance and delivers at st. joesphs. so we have an appointment next tuesday at 1:45. Well see how this one goes. Keep eating good love bug you are doing a wonderful job! We will be sure to see everyone this weekend if everyone is at home!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! oh and joshy bella says she misses her love bugs you and jarrod because your to play with her and just love on her... =)
XOXO LOVE JAMIE BELLA AND CHRISTIAN(and the little one in my tummy. =)
THATS DAY 75. =)
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