Joshua got a radiation treatment this morning and then he, Jarrod, and Renee went to the Children's Cancer Center for a play date. He said he had a great time. Tomorrow is Joshua's last radiation treatment, YEAH! He has done really well during this round of treatments. Next week we start another round of chemo...
DAY 62 LOVE BUG!! You are doing great!!! keep up the good work monkey. i love the picture of you standing by yourself. =) The picture when you are eating looks like you are giving dad or mom that look.... =) mom looks soo tired. i know mom and dad have to be soo tired and they are doing such a great job at everything! you and jarrod are so lucky to have such amazing parents!!! Well tomorrow is your last day of radiation monkey! yay! we love you and everyone! see you guys soon k .
XOXO LOVE JAMIE BELLA AND CHRISTIAN(and the little one in my tummy. =)
Hi Joshua! Glad to hear that you are still doing well AND keeping up with your schoolwork. First grade is tough stuff!!! And I saw the great news that you will be an uncle this year! How exciting!!! We're expecting a new baby this summer, so Hayden will get to be a big brother again. You guys can compare notes about your baby experiences when you are big 2nd grade boys! Well, take care, and keep up the great work! You and your parents are doing a great job. Stay warm this week!!!
Scarlett Truong (Hayden's mom)
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
You are still looking sooooooo good. I am glad you are almost done with radiation. I am constantly awed at your strength and spirit. You are an inspiration to everyone.
Hang in there and keep kickin that old cancer butt.
Love, hugs and kisses
Gramma Linda
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