Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Brain fuzz... Day 315 23SEP09

Joshua had a case of brain fuzz today and was having a tough time with school this morning. Not sure if it is from his restarting chemo or just an off day for him. Hopefully it was just an off day.

While I was at work today Renee took the kids out for a little shopping to pick up a few things. The rest of their day was pretty normal with not much to report. All of our kids will be coming over tomorrow with their kids. Man that sounds weird to say it that way. Anyway Brandon and Roxy are in town so they are coming over with Christian, Jamie, and Allie. It will be a full house but it's great to have all the kids together for a little while. Joshua and Jarrod are excited about Brandon and Roxy coming to visit.


Ann said...

It is great to be a grandparent and have ALL the kids and their kids come over to make a full house.I feel so privileged to have Jennifer, Billy and family live so close. My house if full and so is my heart.
I am keeping my fingers crossed for Josh. Hoping it was one of those days.

Ann said...

It is great to be a grandparent and have ALL the kids and their kids come over to make a full house.I feel so privileged to have Jennifer, Billy and family live so close. My house if full and so is my heart.
I am keeping my fingers crossed for Josh. Hoping it was one of those days.

Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

A house full of brothers, sisters and nieces! WhooooHooooo - sounds like tons of fun to me. Hope it's a blast!

Fuzzy brain fogs happen to all of us - just hope yours was one of the quick hit and run types.

Hang tough Mighty Warrior - keep kickin butt like the Champion you are.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Laura and Frank said...

So cool! A house full of love and family. All the Gandy boys together - wow Renee they are going to keep you busy! And the precious Allie to entertain you - I am so glad that they live close by and you get to see them often.

Joshua, I wake up with a fuzzy brain somedays and decide to just take it easy and do something enjoyable. I am sure you and Jarrod are discussing new engineering feats with your legos. Haven't seen any new pictures of those in a while.

Enjoy tomorrow, Love, Laura & Frank