After running some errands we returned home just after Jamie, Christian, and Allie had arrived to spend some time with us. Allie gets cuter by the day and is doing great. We enjoyed our first day at home as grandparents.
This afternoon we all headed over or Avery's birthday celebration. Alecia had lots of good nibbles to enjoy and Joshua and Jarrod both played themselves completely out. It was really nice to see Joshua running around, at one time pretending to be a witch flying on his broom, the yard and enjoying himself. It is a marked change from watching him run up and down the hallways on the TCA at the hospital. I like this much better. He has been feeling good so far and will return the clinic on Monday for labs and chemo if his counts have stayed up.
Hey Uncle Snuggle Monkey,
You're doing a great job holding Allie and a bottle at the same time! Looks like you are a perfect fit as an Uncle.
I loved the photo of you on your broom. Bet you could teach the Wicked Witch of the West a thing or two about flying.
Glad to hear so much good news and hope it continues.
Keep kickin' butt Mighty Warrior - you are The Champion.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Thats awesome that you guys started off the day with some environment cleaning. =)
Allie loves her uncle Joshua! She enjoys both of her uncles loving on her and just being such great uncles. =) She cant wait to get big enough to play with you and Jarrod. =)
Averys birthday party was so much fun! Man did you boys wear yourselves out completely! Yall were looking exhausted by 6:00. =) I am glad that you got to play finally play hard like a 7 year old loves to do. =) Well love you monkey butt and see you soon.
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