Cancer sucks! Joshua started to feel bad this afternoon and by five o'clock he felt warm and was complaining of joint pain. His temp, 100.2. By seven o'clock it was 101 and fifteen minutes later it was 101.6. We were packed and gone from Disney in under twenty minutes. Joshua never even got to set foot in any of the parks. Both the kids were very very upset with huge tears streaming down their faces as we realized our vacation has just ended with no notice. Renee and I are totally stressed. This constant upheaval is so unfair and something that we just have to shoulder and bear on. Joshua's comment as we barreled down the interstate on our two hour drive to the hospital, "this is why I hate having cancer." Jarrod's memory of the trip, "at least I got to ride on the monorail."
This was a vacation that we could never have afforded on our own. It was something that the whole family has been looking forward to for months. We had the perfect room with the perfect view. We were with our cancer family and having a great time. It was over before it started.
We will try and figure out a way to get the kids back to Disney sometime. For tonight, Jarrod and I just got home and Renee and Joshua are stuck back in the hospital.
Every time before that Josh has had joint pain his hemoglobin has been very low. The initial CBC came back with his HGB at 6.1 which is way below the transfusion mark. The nurse was going to re-run it real quick to make sure because his hgb Friday morning was 8.9 so it is a substantial drop. We have no idea what is pushing Joshua down again but he has been accessed, urine sampled, cultures started, chest x-ray ordered,etc... Hopefully it is not another infection or some bug he picked up. He still has the cough and it does not seem to be getting any better. We should have most of the results back tomorrow.
I am so totally sorry.I had hoped for a fabulous weekend for ya'll. Cancer can be a real bummer. I know there is a next time in your future. I too had alligator tears just reading about the lost weekend.
Aww man. =( I am so so sorry Joshy. I know Cancer sucks love bug, i wish, well we all wish that you never ever had it. I really have my fingers crossed and i am praying my hardest that you guys get to make it to California and get to stay the whole time!! Gosh i hope that the doctors can get you better and sent home soon monkey! Im sorry again Joshua. I love you guys tons and hope that your HGB gets back up there and everything starts to go back up! This really sucks and well have to find something to make up for this lost adventure! ;)
ps Try to keep your head up love bug and just let this experience make you want to really kick this in the butt for messing with your weekend! ; )
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
This really BITES! I am so sorry your vacation got termintated because of that nasty fever! Hope this is a very short hospital stay.
Hang tough Mighty Warrior - you are The Champion butt kicker.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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