Joshua had a great day today. He got lots accomplished this morning before his teacher showed up for school. It was cute to see him playing in his room with the radio going and him singing along. He even managed to get it cleaned up and organized.
After school it was play time again until time to leave for the hockey game. The Children's Cancer Center got free tickets for tonight's game and called Renee to see if we wanted to go. I had to work so Renee took the kids with her Mom and Dad. They had a great night! Josh got a puck from one of the Atlanta players along with his friend Sean.

The kids and Renee were all over the rink even had a guest appearance on the JumboTron from the lightning bench.

Joshua gave an impromptu press conference from the Lightning press room right before hand.

All in all it was a great evening and a wonderful change from all the boredom of the past couple of weeks. To top it all off the Lighting won in overtime...
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Did you wow the crowd with your statement to the press? Are you going to run for office? You look like you belong behind the podium!
What a fun night. Did you catch the puck without a glove? Man, you must be really tough!
Glad you had such a good night and hope there are many, many more of them to come.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
ps 22 days - but whose counting?!
we were treated at st joes 2 yrs ago u r in excellent hand my son to was a trouble maker he was 16 though keep ur spirits high ive been were u r i know its hard i also went to school with ms. lewis god bless
awesome dude!!!!! Looks liek you guys had so much fun at the game!! And you and your friend got a puk! Mommys on the big screen i see. =) That is great that you got to go to a hockey game love bug and have so much fun! You guys also got to run in the rain to the car, which sounded really fun. =) Well i hope those counts continue to go up Joshy. =) Love you and see you soon
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