Nobody was really doing much labor today. Joshua was at least fever free today although his counts are still way down. His ANC was 186 and His platelets were 58.He was feeling pretty good and had another impromptu Nerf war with Aimee and Desa. I am not sure if anybody really won.
Barbie, one of Joshua's nurses made this wonderfully cool Phineas and Ferb sign for his door.

We got back some more of Joshua's test results only to discover that on top of every thing else he also has an immunoglobulin deficiency in two of the four antibodies. This means that his defenses against bacterial or viral infections are much reduced. This is apparently relatively common for leukemia kids. Joshua will start getting IGIV transfusions to add back the antibodies he is missing. The infusion takes 6-8 hours and he will need one every three to four weeks. We should have all the details tomorrow. Add this to the list of numbers we can stress out about and track with fervor. Still no idea when Josh might be let out of the hospital, with luck it will be in the next day or two. All depends on his temp and his counts.

Jarrod left this evening to spend a few days with Renee's parents as I have to start back to work tomorrow and all my classes are at night this quarter. The house is awfully quiet without my big buddy around. We at least had a nice dinner together before we bundled him off.
Tomorrow is back to the hospital to be with Joshua and Renee for a while and then off to work.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
"Out of the mouth of babes" hit a chord with me when I heard you say "this is the craziest destination..." How true!
Looks like all of you were having fun with the nerf darts. Good thing you were hooked up or the nurses could have been in real trouble.
Hang tough Mighty Warrior - there is a way to free you from this loop you're in and keep you moving forward. And you, being The Champion, will discover it's path and surge ahead to keep kickin butt.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
NERF WARS!! Man Joshua they are kicking your butt. ;) Whats going on dude. youre usually the one on top of reloading those bad boys. =) Goofy butt. =(
I dont like that immune.... word monkey butt. That sure as heck doesnt sound very fun to be getting all of those transfusions and that often. But hey what ever makes you get better we are all for dude!!!
Daddys gunna have to bring some of that salmon to get your counts back up. ;) Well looks like you are having fun in there and hope you and mommy get to go home soon!!! We love you tons !
Sorry you did not have such a great holiday weekend, Joshua. Cancer DOES suck!!! Hopefully you'll get to go back home again soon. We're thinking about you, and you and your family are always in our prayers.
Scarlett Truong (Hayden's mom)
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