For dinner Jarrod and I had scored a really good deal on crab legs at the grocery so we broke them out and got down to business. Renee expertly cooked them up and then we all tucked in and go to work. This is a serious seafood family. Joshua can eat crabs like an old pro, he is a chip off the old shelling machine. Did I mention that he and Jarrod absolutely love crab legs. Would probably take them over chocolate or ice cream. It was a fine meal and a great way to end a relaxed day.

Hey Crabby Snuggle Monkey,
It appears you are safely ensconced in food heaven!!!!! What a wonderful dreamy look you have on your face.
Glad to hear it was a laid back lazy day and another uneventful page in the Gandyman novel.
Have a fabulous Shushi Sunday.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
hey there crabby man,
preston wants to come and play nerf wars!! AND SHOW U HIS NEW PUPPY!!!
YUMMY!!! I love crab legs! They are my favorite sea food!! Lokks like you really enjoyed them love bug! =) And another good fun and realxing day! Thats great Joshy. I hope that you have tons more. Well we will see you guys soon. love you
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