Saturday, January 9, 2010

Crazy drivers... Day 422 09JAN10

Brrr... just barely above freezing when we woke up and raining. We actually got some sleet right around lunch time. This is Florida we are talking about here. Central, sub-tropical Florida. It never even made it over 40 all day. We stayed in this morning and then bundled up to head over to have a play day with Tiffany, Nate, and Preston. Joshua and Preston have been buddies for a while and he has been looking forward to going over to his house to play. The kids had an absolute blast playing and especially driving around in Preston's battery powered cars. Let me just say that Joshua will probably be hard to insure one of these days.

We all had a lot of fun and enjoyed spending the afternoon and evening. Nate and Tiffany made us a wonderful diner and we all ate way too much. It was a great day. I could tell Joshua had a good time because he was asleep in the car before we had made it ten minutes down the road. By the time we made it home the temperature had dropped down close to freezing and it is supposed to drop even more before morning time. I can't wait to get our electric bill next month :(


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Fantastic driving Mighty Warrior! Looks like it was loads of fun.

Hope the temperatures outside rise a bit for you so you can all go back to shorts and flip flops.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Jamie(Sister) said...

Wow you guys had a blast Joshua!! Thats great that everyone had such a good day!! =) Wow you are going to be some trouble when it comes to driving a real car... ; )
I am happy to know that your back is feeling alot better. =) We cant wait for the warm temps to come back either. =)