Friday, January 22, 2010

Slumber party... Day 435 22JAN10

Joshua had a pretty normal morning. When I left to go teach the boys were shuffling off to get homework finished so they could get some play time in. Joshua is having a small slumber party tonight. Taylor and Avery are over at Joshua's request to play and have fun. Which is pretty much what they have been doing all evening since I got home. Joshua needed a little alone time earlier, steroids are like playing with a loaded gun. Luckily he was okay after a little time off to himself. He moved the xbox into his room so the less vertical (smaller ;) children could have fun playing games without being bothered by the more vertical ones. It seemed to work out rather well, Jarrod was happy to stay in the living room and watch the Discovery channel. I think it will be real interesting to see if all four kids have completely different things for breakfast or if there will be any overlaps among them. My bet is on four different meals...


Nonna said...

Hey snuggle Monkey,

What Fun - a slumber party. Can't wait to hear what the short order cooks in your kitchen whipped up for breakfast.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Jamie(Sister) said...

Wow sounds like fun Joshua!!Taylor and Avery are very fun cousins. =)
I am glad that you are having a good day besides the little time to your self part. ;) Mom and dad are going to have a fun time in the kitchen if all four of you decide on different things for breakfast. =)