Tuesday, January 19, 2010

What? More Lego's?... Day 432 19JAN10

What did the UPS driver bring this afternoon?  You guessed it!  LEGO'S!
I bet that one was a tough one to figure out. The boys took the gift cards that they received from Christmas and placed a huge order with the Lego Company! Today, only some of their order arrived. That's o.k. though because now they will get random orders shipped to them probably for the next month. As I'm sure you can guess from past experience, it took them no time at all to assemble all the required pieces. They were then left to play for the rest of the evening with their creations. 

The morning got off to a slow start for Joshua. He had a lot of "chemo fog" going on, so schooling was a bit tough. Joshua stuck with it and managed to get some homework done. We are hoping tomorrow will be a little easier. He has also started the steroids and as of yet no major meltdowns. It sort of reminds me when he was 3 years old. You never knew when he was going to throw one of his temper tantrums! The difference between now and then is that now he has a better grip on the situation and understands the reason. He is trying very hard to keep everything under control and he is doing an awesome job at it. 
Joshua and I also started cleaning his room and getting toys ready to be donated. Before we were interrupted by UPS, Joshua had managed to fill up three large IKEA bags full of toys to donate to the hospital. We may have to spread them out to different places.
Lee and I are very proud of him! Tomorrow is more cleaning, schooling and relaxing with Lego's. Maybe I can even talk Joshua in letting me play Xbox with him! 


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Sorry about the chemo fog but I know it will lift soon. And tons of back pats to you for working so hard to keep the steriod monster locked up. It must be really difficult. But you are the Mighty Warrior and can conquer all!

More Legos?!?!?! Where in the world will you put them? Oh ... you're clearing toys to take to the hospital. That's just like you - a heart and spirit as big as the World. No wonder you are so special.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Jamie(Sister) said...

Whoo Hoo more elgos!!! I know you and Jarrod were supper excited!! =) I have a feeling that it took you two no time to build them. ;) You and Jarrod are getting really good at building them up fast. =)

Im sorry love bug that the fog came back today. =( I hope tomorrow is a much better day for you.
We are soo proud of you Joshua for being such a strong boy through everything that you are going through!! You are doig great!! =)
Hope your meltdownns arent that bad this time.

Wow more toys to donate!!? Thats awesome buddy. =)

Ps mom is getting really good at the xbox games.... Better watch out dude. ;)