Friday, August 27, 2010

Perogies… Day 652 27AUG10

I was gone all day at a photo shoot, the kids and Renee had a full and fun day. This morning they went to the local public library to meet Jarrod's new science teacher and get some books. The boys love looking around the library's shelves for interesting things to read or watch. For their afternoon's entertainment they journeyed over to Wojtek's house for a play date and a chance for Renee to learn how to make perogies from a master. She texted me several pictures of their handiwork and they looked delicious. Hope they are a few left for me to try :) When I got home Joshua couldn't wait to show me the Star Wars books he found at the library which included, according to him, plans for a real light saber. He is convinced that if I really try I can build either a light saber, a small spaceship, or an AT-AT walker out in the garage. We had a lot of fun talking about the different possibilities although I don't expect to begin construction anytime soon. We are rather short on space for a spaceship, which would be required to find the crystals for the light saber which as I read it in the book will detonate upon activation if the crystals are not properly and delicately aligned the first time. I think we will stick to squirrel feeders for the time being thank you. Although… a light saber would be really cool...

1 comment:

Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

I love the idea of you, Dad and Jarrod building a space ship in the garage. It could be scaled down to fit in there and would be the perfect size for you! I say "go for it".

Glad to hear you had such a good day and I hope they continue.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
