Back on track at last. Joshua qualified for chemo with his ANC at 1352 and his platelets over 300. Its been an uphill struggle to get here but he has arrived. So begins another round of chemo. We start chipping away, once again, at the leukemia cells hiding places making sure we hit every little nook and cranny. Joshua's spirits are good and we are relieved.
Jarrod in a show of solidarity, spent the night with Josh. He doesn't seem to mind sleeping in the straight out of the inquisition lovely sleeping chair. Jarrod is such a caring brother and takes really good care of Josh. This experience so far has strengthened the bond between them. We are so lucky to have an 11 year old that would rather play with his little brother instead of sulk in his room or play video games or ???... He is truly a wonderful progeny.
*In a side note. I polled my class tonight about their impressions of the ads that ran during the superbowl. You know, the ones that cost 3 million dollars for 30 seconds. The consensus? They didn't think they were very good. A question for corporate America: How many people have no idea what a Coke is? or a Pepsi? or a Budweiser? How much rice could you buy for the same amount of money? How much medicine could we provide to sick children? Food for thought.
DAY 82 MONKEY!! Whoo hoo!! yay you are finally back doing chemo! Thats awesome Joshua, I am very very proud of you for keeping your promise and eating more and getting those counts up love bug!!! Rocking out when you are getting chemo hu?? =) I am also very happy that your spirits are back up and you had a good day today. I love it when you have those good days monkey. I LOVE THE NEW SLIPPERS!!! GET ME SOME DUDE!! =) They look cool man. You needed more, those blue ones were wearing out. =) Jarrod you are a great brother=) you are always there for Joshy when he needs you although he can be a pain in the butt some times but who isnt. ; ) I love you guys very much and i have my doctors appointment tomorrow Tuesday at 1:45..... =) cant wait. Well we will be sure to see everyone soon.
So good to know that you are back on track, Josh! I looked this morning at 5 and didn't want to call and say - "where's the post" Those are great numbers and the slippers are the Bomb;) Jarrod you are such a thoughtful brother and it's really nice to see you want to sleep in the torture chair to be there - thanks for letting Mom have the bed. Lee, I agree with your students and maybe you can start a movement to get the attention of corporate America to give the money where it is truly needed.
Love, Laura & Frank
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
So happy to hear you are getting back on track to kill that nasty stuff that has gotten into your body. You keep kickin butt like a good warrior.
And I love those slippers!!!!!!!
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses
Jarrod can't help but be the human he is .... peek into the heart that is raising him and the hearts that raised you.
Love and gratitude,
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