This is the face of a child who cannot go to Universal Studios tomorrow and have fun.
This is the face of a child who keeps going every day.
This is the face of our little angel.
Joshua has been trying to start running a fever off and on all day. Nothing earth shattering, just higher than normal. 99.1, 99.5, 99.1, 99.9, 99.1. It reads like a stock ticker in a day traders office. No real trend just a little up from yesterdays trading. Tomorrow we hope that it starts to taper off and fall back down to normal. None of us want to go any where near the hospital this weekend. Other than a slightly faulty thermostat he had a good day.
DAY 107! Fevers! AHHH Tell them to go away. ;)
Im sorry monkey butt that you didnt have a good day today but today is Friday and you and Jarrod get to sleep in the living room and stay up late!! ; ) And we are finally home. Oh my goodness to long of a drive my butt was going numb. =) Well i hope you have a better day tomorrow Joshy. We will be sure to see you guys next weekend!! Yay cant wait. I Love you and see you soon. = )
Hey Snaggle, Snuggle Monkey,
Fever - bah! humbug! Tell it to go away. Sorry about the weekend little warrior. You have the most amazing attitude of anyone I have ever met. You are always so cheerful, happy and smiling (well, almost always). You are so brave and strong. Every time I hear somebody complain, over what seem silly things to me, I think of all you put up with and how you always have a smile. We should make you the "Poster Child" for all the complainers in the world!
Take care little man. You are deeply loved by so many people.
Tons o Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Hey Joshua - sorry it's fever time again- just keep it low and rest like you usually do. Universal isn't going awywhere and you'll get another chance to go. That smile of yours is very contagious. I agree with your Nonna about complainers. Jarrod, Renee and Lee, keep on doing the great job you do as a family and I'll check in on Monday. Love, Miss Laura
Hey! Is that a MarioKart shirt you're wearing??? Do you guys have that game??? Hayden and his little brother, Isaac, LOVE to play. I'm not very tech-saavy, but I know there is a way we can connect our Wiis to each other and race each other. I'll have to ask Hayden to show me... ;)
Scarlett Truong (Hayden's mom)
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