"I can't really play with my toys because I am always at the hospital." What a profound and sad statement issued by Joshua today as he was picking up toys in his room. I am sure that his how he feels sometimes.
Today was a day to enjoy the fact that is not that cold outside anymore, after all it has been 24 hours since the temperature was below freezing. High time for it to get back to the point where you can go outside in a pair of shorts and not be trying out for some arctic reality show.
Miss laura came to spend some time with us this evening and brought Joshua and Jarrod a cool Indiana Jones Lego kit to build. Those boys just love putting together lego's, and they can do it amazingly fast.

Oh yeah, the Super Heroes sign. That was a gift from Miss Laura and her husband Frank. He found it at work and brought it home, on his bicycle no less, for Joshua.
Joshua really does qualify as a superhero: he is brave; he is strong; he can throw up and go right back to playing with his brother; he goes through all the pain and suffering of his treatments and can still melt ice with his beautiful smile; he is not angry about having cancer. Yep, my boy is definitely a superhero.
Things continue to go okay for Joshua, other than a little stomach trouble this morning he has been doing well. Renee thinks that he has been getting an upset stomach and not telling us about it, he definitely knows that Zofran works for him. Thankfully the nausea has been minor and he is still eating well.
I found out tonight that another child, a little girl, named Jessica Rose Kohut died on friday. She was fighting Neuroblastoma. Our prayers go out to her family.
DAY 87!! SUPER HEROS HU??!! You sure are!!!! I love the sign mrs Laura and her husband got you and Jarrod!!! Its really big!! =) And awesome another lego set to build!! =) Wow it looks like you guys had fun today monkey butt. Thats great i am very happy to hear that. I am sorry you had an upset tummy this morning love bug. Make sure you are telling mommy and daddy when you dont feel good ok because they help make it better. =) I love you monkey and keep that big smile on you face, you are doing GREAT!!! We will see you soon okie dokie smokie. See you soon!!! Love you Jarrod mom and dad.
Day 87 was wonderful - I FINALLY got to visit my near and dearest friend, Renee, and play with the boys. It's like a "Grandma-fix" for me because my grandon Jon, who lives with us now is 21 and doesn't have the toys that Joshua and Jarrod have - and my other grandson, Cole, who DOES have the cool toys is in Dallas. It was so nice to see everyone and I even got "Fresh Strawberry" shortcake - thanks to Lee. Florida strawberries are the best and served up with friends it couldn't get any better.
I am already planning my next play date which is Monday afternoon. I want to go outside and get some Florida sunshine with the guys.
Josh it's knice to know you like the 'berries and whipped cream. I'm glad you liked the sign - I think it describes the whole family - sort of like The Incredibles. See you Monday afternoon and I'll be ready to play - whether it's outside or in.
Love, miss Laura & Frank
Hey Snaggle Snuggle Monkey,
Really cool sign you have there. And yep, Miss Laura is right - it describes the whole family. All of you guys are awesomely terrific and that is a totally unbiased opinion.
I'm sorry to hear about the tummy ache but happy that the Zofran makes it better. And I am delighted to hear you are still eating. What a brave warrior you are! Wonder if you'll grow up to be a Nine Star General?
Time for Church my ltitle Saggle Snuggle. Hope the sun shines brightly for you today.
Tons of Love, Hugs and kisses
Lee, you sure have a way with words. I am so glad to hear that you are a teacher also. This blogging seems to come easy for you. I am so glad to hear that Josh is holding his own.
Your family has such a great love for one another. It sure makes the trip thru cancer an easier one, and helps to keep up on the smiles. You all are in my thoughts every day. Take care, and laugh often. Ann
I am so glad to know that things are going well. I read through the last five days and had to stop... Tears filled my eyes and words became hard to read. No, they for not tears of sadness or feeling sorry. I don't feel sorry, I feel HAPPY that Josh is so lucky to have such nice parents, that he is doing so well and that there are so many people in this world who care and think about him. He IS a true hero. How many of us (kids or grown ups) can have such a warm smile on their faces when going through such hard times. I loved the painting that Josh is working on. I loved the sign that Josh is holding up. I like things that can have more than one meaning! That's right: Josh is not finished he's just getting started and if I was ever sure about anything in this life it's that he will fight right through this whole thing. Good luck with the painting Josh! Can't wait to see it complete. Hope Lee will post a picture. Good Luck :0)
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