There is tremendous, earth shaking power in the smallest and most beautiful things. Children with cancer. I was humbled by the amazing children we spent the last four days with. The depth of their faith is unfathomable, their love is without boundry and unbreakable, their strength is absolute. You, my little brothers and sisters, are the most amazing creatures on earth and you will all be in our thoughts every day.
We met so many wonderful families who are dealing with the same types of fears and pains that we are. We had a chance to share our experiences and our thoughts. We all have a bond that has been forged by our children. Together we become a strong chain that provides a safe anchorage for a few days in the middle of the raging tempest we live in. Apart we remain strong, each link tempered by the thoughts and prayers of our new friends.
We were honored to share in their lives for a few short days,
the impact will last a lifetime.
Deliver the Dream is a wonderful organization, please check out their website. They have retreats like the one we attended all through the year for other children and their families. The volunteers, who made our weekend the special experience that it was, are amazing people. They give of their own time and love in the service of others. There is no greater good.
We now return to our "normal" hectic life. This weekend provided all of us an opportunity to rest and play, and to forget about all the craziness that defines one of our usual days.
It flat wore us out, in a good way.
We were really tired by the time we got home, the events of the weekend finally caught up with all of us. We spent the afternoon crashed out around the house in different places: Josh in Pa's lap; Jarrod on the couch; Dad in his hammock.

Tomorrow Joshua has school in the morning and then he is off to the clinic for Vincristine and labs. We are hoping that his counts stayed up over the weekend and that his platelets are holding steady. He had some bruising on his legs this weekend and we are hoping it is not an indication that his platelets are low again.
DAY 102! All tired out monkey. =) You sleeping with pa. =) Jarrod either just woke up or about to fall asleep and dad sleeping in the hammock. =) All the boys so so tired and mom staying awake to take these pictures. =) I am soo happy that you guys had a good fun eventful weekend and it wore you guys completely out, i bet you will sleep like babies tonight!! I hope that the bruising goes away Joshua and hope that it doesnt mean that your platelets are low... keep your fingers crossed. ; ) I love you and hope you have good news tomorrow at the clinic. =) Miss you guys and Jarrod You are such a good brother and son for helping mom and Josh out. =) Talk to you soon. Oh yes bella says high and she misses you guys loving on her.. she hopes to see you soon!!!
I love the tongue playing with your incoming tooth Joshy. )
Dream Deserved Day 102 - I love the stories and pictures! Josh, you are so contented to be with pa and Jarrod you look worn out, too.
I'm sure friends were made that will last forever and am so glad you got the chance to go and have such a wonderful time. love, Laura & Frank
Hey Snaggle Snuggle Monkey,
I love the way you fit in Pa's lap.
I am so happy you all had a good weekend even though some of it was painful for Mom and Dad. And I am happy that new bonds have been forged in your circle of friends and loved ones. That's the kind of connection that makes life so much better.
Keep fighting little man; you're doing an awesome job.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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