This is at 7:00 this morning as I was going to work. Thankfully the temperatures are starting to rise up a little. A few more days like that and our electric bill is going to be in the four digit range. Supposed to be up to 80 next week! What a weird and wacky planet we live on.

I understand Joshua got to talk to his Louisiana buddy Larry today. I know that he misses his friend.
I was gone today so I don't really have much to relate about the happenings around the house. Josh had a good day and is fever free. Yeah! Christian and Jamie came over to visit. I found leftover chinese take out in the fridge. There was an empty bottle in the sink. Almost sounds like they had a party while I was gone...
YAY DAY 86!! We had soo much fun with you and Jarrod to day monkey butt. =) I hope you 2 can share and be nice with them or else mom and dad are throwing them in the trash ok..... so be nice. =) Wow Joshy you looked great today. You tooth is already coming in. And Jarrod i still cant believe how tall you are getting and how fast. gezze laweez =) Well we love you guys and hope to see you again soon before we go up to georgia for 2 whole weeks.!! Wish me luck. I love you and keep up the awesome work.
XOXO LOVE JAMIE BELLA AND CHRISTIAN(ps im up at 12:33 at night because we are baby sitting my niece and nephew who is 2y.o and 2 months old. yea practice practice. haahaa =)
Hey Snaggled Tooth Snuggle Monkey,
Sounds like it won't be much longer I can call you that - that is, until you lose the next tooth!
You look so serious talking to your friend in Louisiana. Hope it was a good conversation. It's tough being away from friends.
I am so happy you don't have a fever and hope it stays that way for a long, long time.
I sent your Dad a video of a bunny rabbit this morning. Get him to share it with you - it is absolutely unbelievable - except I saw it!
Let's hope the wacky weather corrects itself soon and you are back to warm sunny days.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
If there was leftover Chinese and a bottle to be emptied....I have to wonder why I was not called to help!:-) Glad all is going well!
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