Renee looking pretty and our handsome Jarrod on their way to dedicate the new church at St. Annes. Renee got up in front of 1900 people and made a speech and Jarrod was part of the altar server team. They both did great. Joshua and I stayed home to avoid the large crowds.

Joshua really enjoys playing games on Jarrod's computer when he can.

Jarrod had to interview the family for a school assignment the other day, so he dressed up and interviewed us all. Put this boy on camera!
Joshua had another day without issue, he is still holding in there. I am hopeful that when we go back to the clinic on Monday his ANC will still be high and he will have ramped up his RBC and HGB all on his own. Until then we just wait and keep our fingers crossed.
DAY 94!!! Another awesome day! Wow mom you and Jarrod look great. =) I love that outfit on you and Jarrod oh my gosh buddy you look soo grown up. STOP GROWING SO FAST! =) I know you and mom did great Jarrod. I miss you guys tons and will see you in a few weeks okie dokie smokie... =) Keep being a great brother and a great son. Same to you Joshy!! =) Well i will call you guys tomorrow. Hope your WBC and RBC is still high monkey and if not do what you do best, which is Kicking butt and staying strong. I love you guys and talk to you soon. Oh and mom i know you did a wonderful speech. =)
Day 94 and everything is going well. Renee' you look beautiful as always and you sure have a handsome date. I know you did very well in the presentation at St. Anne's. Joshua I am so glad you are doing so well and next weekend it will be the Dude Ranch. I showed that sight to some of my friends and they are all very excited for the whole family to be able to get away and have some fun! Love, Miss Laura
btw... Happy Valentine's Day :)
Hey Jarrod & Renee,
You two are absolutely gorgeous!!!! And Lee let you walk out of the house alone? What is that boy thinking?
Jarrod, you are just the most handsome young man. At some point you will have to beat the girls away - but you can take all the time in the world before that happens.
Hay Snaggle Snuggle Monkey,
Sneaking onto Jarrod's computer eh? Gotta get to it while you can.
I'm happy to hear no news and Im hoping tomorrow brings the same.
Hope your Valentine's Day was loaded with love.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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