We, my friends, are the coolest cats on the planet. We are total throwbacks to times past. We are 3D movie kinds of guys. You know, all those great sci-fi movies. The highlight of the evening for us came not on the field of play but in the form of a 3 million dollar ad for a movie and lizards... in 3D! It was a cool ad.
Tomorrow we try again to get Joshua back on his treatment plan. He has to have his ANC at 750 or above and his platelets need to have stayed up. If he qualifies it means another nights stay at the hospital , but it is only one night this time.
It means another round of chemo, one more thing to cross off of his treatment roadmap.
It means another night of our family living like gypsies spread out across the map.
It means we are one step closer to curing Joshua.
Tonight I leave you with a self portrait from the man himself.
* We need more 3D stuff, it's cool!
WHOO HOO DAY 81!! The steelers won... I love the 3d glasses and i saw that commercial, i wish i had those to make it even cooler. Looks like everyone had a good night. =) We well i didnt.. =( long story short me being around stupid people doing the up most stupidist things ever and everyone drinking and driving me up the wall!!! so yea oh and us getting lost for a whole 2 in a half hours on the way home!! It was great dude. yea right. =) but we made it home safe and sound and im sure we will tell you more. I Love you guys!! =) Glad yall had a good night at grandma and pas. =)
oh ss you dad and jarrod look like some thing scary is about to pop out of the tv and yall jump back. =)
Day 81 and my Cardinals lost - oh well. Better luck next time. The best team one. Too cool glasses ya'll. Is than popcorn I see Joshua nibbling on?? I surely hope so because that is one of my favorites! Hope the ANC is up and treatment begins again. Take care & we love you. Laura & Frank
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Really cool self portrait little man! Up close and personal. I like it.
A $3 million dollar ad for lizards ... it leaves me speechless (which may be a good thing). The glasses are classy. Does this constitute the new Goony Gandy Gang outfit?
Joshua, I truly hope you spend tonight in the hospital. It's time to start kickin that dirty nasty old cancer butt really hard again. And you are just the one who can do it.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses
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