Renee and Joshua discovered this morning that Caesar has a special friend that we didn't know about. The turtle and the heron were just hanging out enjoying the early morning breeze.
Joshua's day was normal like just about any other in recent weeks. He played, he rested, he annoyed his brother. We finally got the other liner for his foot splints so he can start wearing them at night. It took us several weeks to work out all of the kinks. Hopefully now he will be able to tolerate having them on for extended periods of time and they can start to do him some good.
Tomorrow is another chance for Josh to qualify for chemo. Renee and Joshua will go to the clinic early tomorrow so they can stick his finger and take blood. If he passes Jarrod and I will load up the car and head for the hospital. If he doesn't they can come back home and we can go into another holding pattern.
I asked Joshua tonight as he was going to bed if he thought he was going to qualify. He told me that he had eaten seven fish sticks and that should put him where he needs to be.
If all goes well Josh will get an LP at noon and then get admitted to the Hem/Onc floor in the early afternoon. It is an overnight stay this time as they have to monitor his chemistry for 24 hours after he gets cyclophosphamide. This will be the first time Joshua has spent the night in the hospital in quite a while. We are been really thankful for the long break, it seemed like we were never going to get him back home for a while there.
Good Morning Snuggle Monkey,
Whoooohooooo! Ceasar has a new playmte. I hope they are having fun together. Wonder if that's a lady Heron? And what kind of children will they have?!?!?!?? Will they be soft and fluffy like Mom or hard and tough like Dad? Keep me posted please.
Everything has been crossed for days that you will qualify. And I just bet the fish sticks did the trick! Way to think mighty warrior.
Hang tough. I'll be waiting for the call that say "we're on go".
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Yay Ceasar has a friend to keep him company out there in that lonely yard. =) Thats great you had another good day love bug! Im sure you will qualify for chemo and eating those fish sticks really helped im sure. =) I love you monkey butt and cant wait to see you guys this weekend. Bella misses her Joshua and Jarrod. She told me that she cant wait for all of the attention she gets when she comes over. =)
Keep up the awesome butt kicking Josh you are doing great.
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