Just when we thought he was doing okay. Just when he was having a good day resting and conquering the world of LEGO Star Wars. Just when we thought it might not happen again. Just when... It did.
Joshua was fine through out today. He was a little tired and took a nap this afternoon but otherwise fine. He had good energy levels and was playing up until it was time to get ready for bed. Then he decided to start running a fever all of a sudden.
Out came the thermometer as we all crossed our fingers and promised to be good.
We made the call.
A scant twenty five minutes later he was on the way to the hospital. That is how fast we can re-configure our lives, that is how cancer gypsies handle things. So we are nomadic once again, separated. Renee and Joshua in the hospital, me and Jarrod at home.
We had been lulled into a false sense of security lately. He has been home for so long, not running anything that we would even consider a fever. Now we have a mandatory 48 hour hospital stay. The nurses took all kinds of cultures to see if anything shows up, we won't know anything until tomorrow at the earliest. His fever had risen to 102.2 by the time he got settled into the hospital. He got tylenol and was cooling down when I left him. Hopefully the fever is related to the chemo and not something he picked up out in the world. We shall see...
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
BUMMER!!!! Sorry to hear that nasty "F" word struck again. I hate you guys are separated again and hope 48 hours is all it takes for you to be "F" free and back home.
Hang tough mighty warrior - you can do it because you are The Champion.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
=( That stinks love bug!! =( Im sorry. I hope your fever goes away soon and you and mommmy get to go home. =( That darn fever comes when everything is going just fine. We have to find away to knock that thing out of the ball park. ; )
I know you will get that cool head back soon Joshy we just have to do the cold dance alot. ; ) I love you sweet pea and we will just come and see you. k Keep up the great fighting you are doing!!
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