The boys were very excited this morning to show me the fruits of their labor yesterday. Behold the Crystal Harvester super alien capturing space thingy mabob. I am sure they could write a small novel about how it all works and the accessories and what not. They explained it to me in great detail. I should have taken notes...

Joshua was a little anxious tonight as he was going to bed because of the chemo tomorrow. In the morning it is off to the clinic for more vincristine and PEG shots. The nasty ones in both legs at the same time. Josh really hates those. I don't blame him, it hurts just to watch him get them. We will also see how his counts are tomorrow, he made need platelets if they have continued to drop. I know he will do fine, he is such a strong little guy. It is still very humbling to watch him deal with all the bad thing that happen to him on such a regular basis yet he always keeps a smile in reserve. He is our little warrior day in and day out.
Good Morning Snuggle Monkey,
What a fascinating thingamabob you and Jarrod put together. Looks like it could bring peace to the world.
I am hoping chemo is kind to you and your platelets are not too low.
You are one tough mighty warrior and I continue to be humbled and awed by your courage and strength - and mostly by your beautiful smile.
Hang tough mighty warrior - you are The Champion butt kicker.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Hey Josh! That is a really neat machine you and Jarrod built. I can't imagine how many lego pieces go into such a creative idea!
Hopefully those platelets are good and chemo goes OK today. Tell them to not forget the darn steroids this time.
Really proud of you and the magnificient warrior you are and know you'll continue to kick cancer butt!
Love, Laura
Awesome dude!!!You and Jarrod once again did a great job at those legos. =) Big day tomorrow love bug. = ) Last day for pegs!! WHOO HOO!!!! Man Joshy you are doing such a wonderful job!! We are soo proud of you. We will see you soon k love bug. Take it easy
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