For a little while.
We are back in the hospital. Joshua's fever ramped up right after he got settled at home and it was time to make the call and relocate to our vacation home at the hospital. He has only been home for a little over 3 days. Life can be so unfair sometimes.
I went to hang out with him after I got done teaching. He was very restless and just couldn't seem to get comfortable. I lay in bed with him for a while and rubbed his back. He was very unhappy about having to go back to the hospital. Josh finally managed to fall asleep and was resting okay when I left. He is stuck until at least Sunday, but I do not really expect him to get home before Monday. The fever, like always it seems, is probably due to the chemo. He got a chest x-ray earlier just to make sure it wasn't something that developed since he left the hospital on Monday. It was clear.
So now we are again a family divided. Renee and Josh at the hospital. Jarrod at Renee's parents. Me at home with the cat. Boom like that things change...
Good Morning Snuggle Monkey,
BoooooooHissssssssssssssss! It really bites that you are back in the hospital. You have to be very disappointed. That stinkin' fever needs to take a permanent hike and settle in another country (or another universe). Maybe you and Jarrod could build a lego vehicle to transport it!
Hang tough mighty warrior - you are The Champion butt kicker.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
=( Man we are really going to have to knock some since into that fever arent we monkey. ;) Im sorry buddy, that sucks i hope that the fever goes away soon and that when you do get to go home you are there for alot longer than just 3 days..... Looks like we are going to have to come see you and mommy at your other home. ;) Im keeping my fingers crossed and im continuing to ask God to try his hardest to get you all better.. =) I love you guys and see you soon.
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