No more will Joshua have to suffer through being jabbed in both legs at the same time.
No longer will we have to wait and watch the clock for two hours all the while praying that he will not be one of the ones who has a scary reaction. Scary really meaning that which requires swift, decisive, and immediate medical attention to avoid fatality.
No more will we have to endure the anxiety Joshua always had the night before. Unable to go to sleep because he was dreading what was to come as soon as he woke up.
We are free from the specter of PEG! Now it can just fade into the memories of things passed. Goal achieved. Suffering endured.
To celebrate this momentous and certainly auspicious occasion we had a PEG party. No not a KEG party a PEG party.
Renee created a wonderful cake for Joshua to celebrate with. We had ice cream and cake and were even treated to an end to PEG song that Renee made up for the occasion. Renee's parents stopped by to help us celebrate. The cake was wonderful! Joshua had a fine time.

Before he got his chemo this morning Joshua had to get a platelets transfusion, they had dropped to 19 (normal at the low end is 150). We pretty much figured that he would need them. The deal clincher for me was when he said goodbye to me this morning and his hands were as cold as ice. His ANC is still very low at 320 so he will be trapped in the house for a while and we will bring war to all germs. He will go back on Friday to get another CBC to see how his counts are doing. Hopefully they will have started to recover a little bit by then. In the meantime his spirits are good and he still has that beautiful smile on his face.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Thank God! No more PEG shots ever. Whoooooooowheeeeeeeeee - what wonderful and welcome news. Mom did a super job on the PEG cake. She is so creative and talented - guess that's where you and Jarrod get a lot of your 'genius'.
Rest up mighty warrior - build up those platelets and keep kickin butt.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
OH YEA!!!! NO MORE PEG SHOTS!! Thats is the best news yet love bug!!! =) I love mommys cake! I must say she did a wonderful job and they look awesome. =)
You did such a great job today Josh when they gave you the shots. Although it was a bit of a tear jerker to watch but we are soo proud of you!! Whoo hoo hummy cake and ice cream. I bet it was really good. ; ) Keep up the great work monkey butt.
I love you guys and see you soon.
Wow Josh - no more PEG shots - Yippee!! That is truly an awesome cake your Mom made to celebrate! No more needles in the thigh! Go Josh, Go Josh!
Now to get that ANC back up.....
Love, Laura
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