This afternoon Joshua was looking out the back door and up on the railing was a squirrel. The squirrel stopped what he was doing and stared right at Josh. They stayed like that for several moments before the squirrel skittered off. It was really cute.

Tonight we went to the Children's Cancer Center for the family dinner night. It was good to see some of our cancer friends that we haven't seen lately and to hear how their children are doing. Like every visit not all of the stories are happy and it extracts a rather large psychic toll on us. It is hard to listen to another parent talk about their child dying or being in severe pain, receiving what seems to be endless chemo treatments. But there is great strength in numbers and we need to be there for each other. As parents of cancer kids only we can truly understand the raging current of emotions that courses through us all. It is tough, but I think it is helpful. A child is the most precious treasure we are every granted the opportunity to cherish and take care of. The demons and the doubts get a little foothold for a while but eventually they are banished back to the shadows on the edges.
In the morning Joshua is off to the clinic again to get a finger stick to check his counts. Hopefully the platelets he got stuck and has not dropped again. Renee and I are both expecting his ANC to be really low, he is acting like it is getting low. If it is he will be trapped inside for the weekend, he really wants to go swimming. It is hard on him to not be able t go out and do the things he wants. He has been asking me for a couple of days to take him for a walk on the golf course but we can't until his counts come up. With any luck he will be back in the safe zone early next week and we can make up for some of the lost time.
Good Morning Snuggle Monkey,
A little foggy, huh? Sorry to hear that but happy to know it will soon pass and you will be your brilliant self again.
Wonder what your squirrel friend was thinking? Maybe that he'd like to invite you out for a play date! Really cute photo Lee.
Sounds like the Children's Cancer Center dinner was fun. It's got to be wonderful to re-connect with all your new friends. Even if the stories are sometimes hard to hear.
I'm keeping everything I have crossed that your finger stick says you can go outside and have some fun. And if not, I'll cross everything that you can go out very soon.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Josh, I hope the CBC comes back good today. It may be a rainy weekend and you and Jarrod just might have to start construction on another wonderful building or piece of heavy equipment! I love seeing all the lego items you have made:)
Take it easy, buddy, and I hope it's a good weekend!
Love, Laura
Hi Joshua,
Just catching up with your blog - congratulations on being DONE with your PEG shots! That's great news that I know you're happy about. Hayden wanted me to say hello to you for him. He is gearing up to be a "biggest" brother in 12 days. Our newest family member will arrive on July 8th unless he has other plans and decides to come sooner. I know you are getting ready to have a new member of your family too, and you get to be an uncle! How exciting!
Well, we just wanted to say hi and check in to see how you're doing. Sounds like you're keeping up the great work. Oh, and I have to show Hayden the squirrel picture. We had a squirrel friend at the beach today that walked right over my friend's foot to get to a graham cracker! Silly squirrel!
Take care, Joshua!
Scarlett Truong (Hayden's mom)
Hi monkey... That fog is back hu...?? It will go away soon like it always does. ; ) Cool that you and the squirell has a staring contest. =) Hope your counts are high love bug.. I love you and you are doing a wonderful job... keep it up k. ;) See you guys soon
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