My day started off with Hobie begging to be fed. Jarrod spent the night over at Renee's parents so I was all alone. After my normal breakfast I got a call from Jarrod wishing me a Happy Fathers Day and letting me now that he was sick and throwing up. Yikes. Not long after I got a call from Renee to let me know she was also sick and throwing up. Yikes again. Seems they both picked up some kind of stomach thing that has breezed past me and Joshua. I attribute his immunity so far to the antibiotics he has been getting and mine to a diet of yogurt and pickled octopus. Actually I just finished a round of antibiotics for the cold I had last week so that might have helped a little. I left after lunch to go check on Jarrod and head up to the hospital to take care of Joshua so Renee could get some rest.
Jamie and Christian came up for a while and spent some time playing with Josh. Jamie is doing great and looks wonderful. Her belly just keeps getting bigger and bigger.

After they left Joshua and I found different ways to fight the boredom of being stuck in the hospital. What follows is a small sample of our activities:
1. Play lots of board games. (Actually it is get your butt kicked over and over by a seven year old no matter what game you play.)
2. Take a walk around the hospital floor.
3. Play a pick up soccer game in the hallway dodging parents and nurses to score. After a while get the nurses to join in.
4. Chase nurses with syringes of saline and have water fights before shift change. Just to be clear, Joshua was the one "chasing" the nurses. I was just an observer.

5. Eat a little ham and drink some more water.
6. Cuddle on the bed and watch TV.

Joshua as you can tell is feeling much better. He was unhooked from his IV today until 9 p.m. when he got another dose of antibiotic. His temperature was staying around 100.2 which is low enough to get him sprung tomorrow. He just can't top 100.5 tonight. So with any luck he will get released after morning rounds and finally get to come home to rest. Renee was still feeling pretty out of sorts and Jarrod seemed to be holding his own tonight. Let's hope that by morning they both feel much better.
For me its another night at home with the cat...
Wow a good day in the hospital Josh... not to many of those. =) You had soo much energy when we came up. You were the energizer bunny. Oh and by the way im going to have to find a way to beat you at trouble mr. ;) You are to good at those games, well i cant blame you cause being stuck in the hospital so many times youve played pretty much all of the games a hundred times. ;) I hope mommy and Jarrod feels better soon. =( Hopefully it is just a few day stomache bug. Hope you guys get to go home tomorrow to love bug. Keep doing the cold dance ;)
Good Morning Snuggle Monkey,
Chasing nurses with syringes? Sounds like you need to be home - and I hope that's where you are today.
So sorry to hear Mom and Jarrod are making offerings to the toilet bowl. Tell them there are more worthy causes to consider.
Glad to hear you and Dad (the octupus/squid man after my tummy's heart) have avoided joining the cause and I hope it stays that way.
Keep kickin butt Snuggle Monkey. You are a mighty warrior and The Champion Butt Kicker!
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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