Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl Sunday… Day 451 07FEB10

We spent the morning relaxing and doing stuff around the house before we headed over to the Zink's for a Superbowl party. The kids had a great time playing, Preston and Joshua went non-stop the whole time we were there. Hannah had a run in with a door and wound up with a pretty good goose egg but she was okay. There was a ton of food and I ate way too much but it was worth it. The kids made it to half-time before we could tell that Joshua was getting tired so we packed up and headed on home to finish watching the game.

Tomorrow is clinic and a chance to see if Joshua's counts have come back up to a point where the doctor's will resume his chemo. Let's hope they have and we can get him back on schedule again although if he never had to take another dose of chemo that would be fine with us. Wishful thinking I am afraid...


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

I happy you had fun at Preston's. Sure hope Hannah's goose egg doesn't hurt today. But I do wonder why a goose chose her head on which to place an egg!

Got everything crossed that your clinic visit is great.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Jamie(Sister) said...

Whoo Hoo Superbowl party!!
What fun!!! Glad to hear you guys had tons of fun Joshy! You and Preston are becoming really good friends. =) I can see you staying in touch for many many years. =)

Hope your counts are where they need to be love bug.
Keeping my fingers crossed. =)
We love you tons Joshua. You are doing an amazing job keep it up!!