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Joshua was diagnosed with T Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on 14NOV08. This blog is a way for Joshua to share his battle plans with all of his friends. We will try and keep it updated as much as we can. Please feel free to leave comments, pictures, etc... all of Joshua's hospital locations have internet access and he will read them as often as he can. Thank You to everyone for all of their thoughts and prayers! Keep them coming!
YAY DAY 48 MONKEY!!! This is a great picture of you. =) i love the big smile and im glad you had a good day today. yay. I cant wait for the year 2009. another year gone by so fast. =) My new year resolution is to make sure that you keep doing great and kicking butt!!! =) I hope this next year will bring lots of good news and you continue to do wonderful and you continue to do good with all of your tests. Well i love you monkey butt and love you mom dad and jarrod. We will see you guys soon. Hope every one has a good news eve and new years day...
Congrats, Josh! Day 48 and still kicking cancer butt! We are so glad you are doing better after this treatment. No bumps in the road is good. Love the smile and glad you're at home to play Rock Band with Jarrod!
Love, Miss Laura & Frank
joshua wish u a wonder full and a happy new year. let the new year fill u with lots of joy and wealth
Happy New Year Snuggle Monkey,
You are looking great and I am happy to hear you are doing well. I pray there is no return of the fever for a long, long, long time (how does never sound?).
Give your Mom, Dad and Jarrod tons of hugs and kisses from me. And don't forget Christian and Jamie!
Love, hugs and kisses
Gramma Linda
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