Actually he went out and disinfected it first, he wanted it to be clean before he took it out of the garage. When he was properly suited up with elbow and knee pads along with his helmet Renee and I walked him down to the street and stayed to watch him closely. Why the big deal and all the fanfare you might ask after all a seven year old tiding his bike is no big deal, right?
It is when you consider that this is the first time Joshua has ridden his bike in almost a year. He rode it the last time this past October because he was not feeling well, he had the flu that was going around. Except it turned out not to be the flu. It was cancer. Since then he has either been incapable of doing things or we have had him ensconced in our safety and germ fighting driven world. Today we relaxed the grip a little and let our little guy be a normal seven year old for a while.
So today we celebrated and chewed our fingernails while our brave and strong little boy pedaled his bike up and down the street in front of the house. Both of us silently flinching with each little bobble dreading a fall or a scrape. Both of us with a tear of hapiness in the corner of our eye.
Remember to celebrate the everyday, the little things, for they are in fact colossal and powerful. We do...
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
You're riding that bike like you've never been off it!!!!! Fantastic. It's so wonderful to see you enjoying life and all it has to offer. And Big Brother Jarrod does an admirable job of riding shotgun. Way to go guys.
Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior and save up all your extra hugs and kisses cause I'm on my way South in 6 days.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
the little things are fantastic.It is good to see Josh on his bike. I am sure it gave him great joy.
Way to go Joshua! That's a great job and proves once you learn it you never forget. I liked the way Jarrod rode around you to protect you - but you sure looked like you were in a race at the end!
You put a smile on all our faces today, buddy. Love, Laura and Frank
YAY!!! That is awesome Joshua!!! I am oh so happy that you finally got to ride you bike and Jarrod was right beside you looking out for you!! =) He is such a great brother. Mommy and daddy sound very happy that you made it all the way back with out a scratch. =) I cant wait to see you guys again soon. Love you and keep up the awesome woork monkey butt you are doing great!!
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